JavaScript Blog

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JavaScript Background Color Change


Colors are very important in both the design and coding stages in the web development process. The correct use of the colors determined by the ..

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JavaScript Upper & Lowercase Conversion


".toUpperCase()", a term frequently encountered during SEO (Search Engine Optimization) studies, is a function used in the JavaScript language. This ..

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Whatsapp Contact Code to Your Website


Today, millions of people communicate with each other through instant messaging applications. The most popular of these is Whatsapp. But did you know that you can contact a person via...

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Web Application Security in JavaScript


Today's almost every business, every institution uses web applications in some way. It is very important that these web applications work quickly, ..

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What is JavaScript Object Oriented Programming?


JavaScript is a widely used language for web development today. Applying object-oriented programming (OOP) principles while using this language ..

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What is Next.js? What are the Advantages and Features?


Next.js, one of the most preferred tools by developers when creating web applications and sites, is a framework that works on the basis of React ..

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What Are JavaScript Functions and Examples?


JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages of our time, includes various functions that increase the user experience by adding ..

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What is JavaScript? What Is It Used For?


JavaScript is a programming language used to create dynamic content and increase interaction on websites. It can be used on many platforms, ..

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Most Used in JavaScript Libraries


JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages by web developers and is often used to add interactive features to web pages. The ..

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Where Should I Start Learning JavaScript?


JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages today, is a programming language used in the development of web applications, ..

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Making Load-More Button and Its Importance in terms of SEO


The Load more button is a button that allows unlimited loading of content on a particular page on a website. This button provides a better user experience ..

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