What is JavaScript? What Is It Used For?

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JavaScript is one of the most used programming languages by web developers and is frequently used to add interactive features to web pages. The increasing use of JavaScript has led to the creation of many JavaScript libraries and frameworks. In this article, you will be able to get information about the most used JavaScript libraries.


jQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript libraries. It works interactively with both HTML documents and CSS. jQuery allows web developers to resolve compatibility issues across different browsers while writing code. It also makes CSS and HTML processing, such as animations and event handling, easier.


React is a JavaScript library developed by Facebook. It is used to design the interface of web applications. React makes it easy to create granular components and run them together. Thus, web applications can be made faster and more effective. Additionally, the component-based approach enables code reuse and ease of maintenance.


Angular is a JavaScript framework developed by Google. Angular is geared towards the development of single page applications. Angular makes the design of web applications simpler, faster and scalable. Angular also enables automatic updating of data in the application's interface, thanks to its data binding feature.


Although Vue.js is a new JavaScript library, it has quickly become popular. Vue.js is easy to learn and use thanks to its lightweight structure. It has many features used in web applications, such as component-based approach and data binding. Also, it is a smaller library compared to React and Angular.


Ember is a JavaScript framework used to develop web applications. Ember speeds up the development process by making it easy to customize code. Additionally, thanks to the component-based approach, it enables better organization and management of the code.

In this article, we gave information about the most used JavaScript libraries. Thanks to these libraries, web developers can make the design of web applications simpler, faster and scalable. Libraries such as jQuery, React, Angular, Vue.js and Ember have become very popular in the web development world and will become even more widespread in the future.

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