PHP Functions and Examples That Will Work

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Nowadays, many web developers use the PHP language to overcome frequently encountered problems in creating websites. For this, it is very important to know the PHP functions that will work. In this article, some useful functions in PHP language and examples of these functions will be given.

1. strlen() Function

The strlen() function is used to calculate the length of a string. This function takes an argument and returns the length of this argument.


$text = “Bu bir örnek metindir.”;

echo strlen($text); // 23

2. str_replace() Function

The str_replace() function is used to replace a character we specify in a string with another character.


$text = “Bu bir örnek cümledir.”;

echo str_replace(“örnek”, “deneme”, $text); // Bu bir deneme cümledir.

3. explode() Function

explode() function is used to split a string into parts from the location of the character we specify. This function takes two arguments; The first argument is the character to split the string into, the second argument is the string to split.


$text = “Bu bir örnek cümledir.”;

$words = explode(“ “, $text);


/* Çıktı: Array ( [0] => Bu [1] => bir [2] => örnek [3] => cümledir. ) */

4. implode() Function

implode() function is used to combine an array with the character we specify. This function takes an argument and concatenates the elements of this argument into a string.


$words = array(“Bu”, “bir”, “örnek”, “cümledir.”);

$text = implode(“ “, $words);

echo $text; // Bu bir örnek cümledir.

5. rand() Function

rand() function is used to return a random number between two numbers we specify.


echo rand(1, 10); // 5

6. strtolower() Function

The strtolower() function is used to convert all characters of a string to lowercase.


$text = “Bu Bir Örnek Metindir.”;

echo strtolower($text); // bu bir örnek metindir.

7. strtoupper() Function

The strtoupper() function is used to convert all characters of a string to uppercase.


$text = “Bu Bir Örnek Metindir.”;

echo strtoupper($text); // BU BIR ÖRNEK METINDIR.

8. date() Function

date() function is used to perform date and time operations. This function takes an argument and returns the date and time pointed by that argument.


echo date(“Y-m-d”); // 2024-01-05

9. include() Function

include() function is used to call the file we specify and transfer its content.



As a result, there are many functions we can use in the PHP language. Thanks to these functions, we can perform many operations faster, easier and more economically. Moreover, as the PHP language constantly evolves, these functions are constantly updated. Therefore, as a web developer, it is very important to stay up to date with the latest versions.

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