What is HTML Input Type? What Are the Examples?

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HTML başlık etiketleri, bir web sayfasının içeriği hakkında bilgi verir ve arama motorlarına içeriğin neyle ilgili olduğunu açıklar. Bu nedenle, başlık etiketlerinin doğru şekilde kullanımı, web sitesinin SEO'sunu artırmaya yardımcı olabilir.

Nowadays, web design has become very important for businesses to create an online presence. In addition to presenting businesses' products and services to customers, websites can also be used to make their online presence known. Businesses carefully choose the design elements they will use on their websites, because the design of their websites directly affects many factors such as how long customers will stay on the website and whether the purchase will be made.

Therefore, one of the most important elements in web design is HTML Input Type. This feature is one of the most basic HTML elements used for web design. HTML Input Type is used in web forms and other user interactive elements. Forms are commonly used elements on websites to collect information from users. These forms can be designed using many different types of Input Types.

HTML Input Type Properties

HTML Input Type offers many different features in web design. These include the Input Type's function, type, size, and which Input Type to use based on specific conditions. Its functions include a number of options such as text box, password box, send button, image button, file upload button, date picker, color picker.

Html Input Type Codes and Examples

Today, internet users want to see the best results related to the product or service they search in search engines. That's why SEO has an important place in digital marketing and web development studies. HTML input type codes optimized for SEO are also of great importance in these studies. Since HTML codes are a coding language used to create web pages, they are at an important point in terms of SEO.

Input Type: Text

This code can be used in HTML forms. It allows you to write plain text within a marked area. For example, it can be used in a field where your personal information can be included in a form.

Sample Code:

`<label for="name">İsim:</label>
`<input type="text" id="name" name="name" required >`


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Input Type: Email

This code can be used in HTML forms. It is used to enter users' e-mail addresses and ensures that they are entered in a correct e-mail address format.

Sample Code:

`<label for="email">E-posta Adresi:</label>`
`<input type="email" id="email" name="email" required>`


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Input Type: Password

This code can be used in HTML forms. Allows passwords and login information to be saved. In this way, the user's identity is secured by protecting the login information.

Sample Code:

`<label for="password">Şifre:</label>`
`<input type="password" id="password" name="password" required>`


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Input Type: Date

This code can be used in HTML forms. It is used to provide users with options in an accurate date format.

Sample Code:

`<label for="birthdate">Date of birth:</label>`
`<input type="date" id="birthdate" name="birthdate" required>`


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Input Type: Search

This code is used for searches on websites. The purpose of this code is to allow the user to easily filter search results when searching.

Sample Code:

`<input type="search" placeholder="Arama...">`



As a result, HTML input type codes are very important in web development work. By using these codes correctly, you can provide users with a better user experience. HTML codes, which are also effective in terms of SEO, help your web pages rank higher in search engines.

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